Positive Learning
Encouragement, Growth, Exploration, Confidence, Resilience.
Preschools teach young children the basics to get them ready for elementary school. They learn important skills like reading letters, counting, and coloring. Kids also practice using their muscles for activities like walking in a line and holding a pencil. They learn how to make friends, share, and take turns, which helps them get ready for school
oral language
Listening and speaking skills that dazzle and amaze!
visual communication
Conveying ideas through images, symbols, colors, design, gestures, and expressions.
Reading Skills
Ability to decode, comprehend, analyze, interpret, and engage with written text. Unlocking the magic of stories and imagination!
Writing Skills
Crafting words into masterpieces of creativity!
Creative Play
Learning through play, because fun is essential!
Community Siprit
Building friendships that last a lifetime!
Encouragement, Growth, Exploration, Confidence, Resilience.
Safety, Transportation, Community, Routine, Care.
Fun, Creativity, Exercise, Socialization, Freedom.
Nutrition, Balance, Freshness, Energy, Well-being.